Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Travel industry requires artificial intelligence to save time & money

The travel industry technology is disrupting in many different ways. Starting off with tour & travel website, mobile app, to Artificial Intelligence in the travel sector. Technology is improving the booking experience of travellers around.  

Every now and then, your travel business requires a necessary push to increase bookings and add more customers. At this point, Artificial Intelligence technology is the latest buzz around the travel sector.  

The travel industry counts in AI technology to offer personalized services, identify customers requirements, and perform customer service tasks. 

In a way, AI replaces human presence and efforts to provide an enriched level of customer satisfaction experience. Thus, resulting in saving operational cost of the travel business. 

Understanding the concept of Artificial Intelligence in travel industry 

Artificial Intelligence is a technology that enables machines and computers perform a variety of tasks without needing any human assistance. This is like offering personalized services to customers, sending replies or suggestions, and recognizing speech. 

Specifically related to the travel industry, AI is a much-needed requirement to update business functioning. Since the industry involves a large selection of data. AI helps to analyse, filter-out, and interpret the data in a simplest form. This is in turn, helps the sales team to know about travellers preference and offer the related deal for a sure shot booking.  

How to use AI applications in the travel business? 

  • Data analysis: Artificial Intelligence in the travel industry is proficient enough to gather and analyse a large pile of data. Despite counting on human effort to collect, analyse, and filter out a large chunk of information. Rely on AI technology to quickly reduce your burn. It helps to sort variety of travel data to draw conclusions about customers preference, pricing strategies, and business practice. AI also analyse a large variety of customers reviews, feedback, and comments to draw further conclusions. 
  • Conversational apps: One of the finest ways, AI technology helps to enhance customer experience is through conversational apps. Ideally called as Chatbots, it helps to streamline process of answering customers queries, solve their problems, and valuable provide suggestions. 
  • Trip planning: Travel industry does require the usage of AI technology to improve trip planning experience of travellers. This technology analyses the search pattern of customers, get to know about their preference, offer suggestions, and finally generate leads. 
  • Virtual Reality: Specifically related to hotel business, Virtual Reality feature of AI helps travellers to look at complete view of a property. An increasing number of hotels have already adopted AI Virtual Reality feature on their travel website & app. This enables the customers to view all the rooms, facilities, and area around the hotel on a virtual basis. 

Benefits of adopting AI technology travel business 
  • Enhance customer satisfaction 
  • Streamline data 
  • Manage online reputation of the brand 
  • Increase conversions  
  • Increase business productivity 

Summing up  

AI is making life much easier and hassle-free. Travel industry business owners can rely on this technology to enrich overall operational performance. Get hold of AI technology with the reliable assistance of SynapseIndia.  

Contact us for any query at info@synapseindia.com 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Website maintenance services on the basis of hourly project costing

Having a business website is a powerful tool for corporate players to witness digital success ahead. No matter, what sort of industry you deal in like that of retail, consumer goods, education, travel, or anything else. A website is the driving force for your business. 

But wait, simply creating a business website does not make the job done. There are timely updates in terms of functionalities, new features, and content is needed to make. For this, you can hire website maintenance services of SynapseIndia on the basis of hourly project costing. 

This means, pay for hourly services of an expert website developer hired from leading IT Outsourcing service company like SynapseIndia.

Hourly basis project development price for a business website

Numerous clients spreading all across the world, prefer to hire hourly project costing for maintaining the efficiency of a website. SynapseIndia delivers exceptional and technically advanced web development and maintenance solutions to all sorts of industries.

The very reason for offering hourly project costing service is to meet minimal development budget of online companies. There are start-ups who wish to save cost in adding new features and reduce errors. Also, some maintenance tasks require less time against which SynapseIndia charges on an hourly basis in a cost-effective manner.

Save Cost on Website Maintenance and Development 

If you think from a long-term business perspective. Then your website should be endowed with latest features, having a fast loading speed with zero errors. Only then, you will be able to meet varied customer requirements of all kinds and increase business profit.

To achieve the same, regular web development and maintenance services are required from a reputable partner. And, there is no one better than SynapseIndia having 20+ years of successful experience. Additionally, the company offers affordable hourly basis project costing plan for developing and maintaining efficiency of your website. 

Benefits of hiring website maintenance services

  • Focus on core business proceedings: Maintaining the efficiency of a website is a time-consuming process and requires professional expertise. As a business owner, you always have a scarcity of time that you want to give to core business activities. At this point, hiring professional website maintenance services is only viable solutions to make necessary changes. Most importantly, you have the advantage of hourly basis project costing plan. 
  • Safety and security of information: Hiring website maintenance service is also about managing several security updated and licenses. Otherwise, you find your data got breach in different directions. Therefore, essential tip is to hire periodic maintenance service to make sure there is no malicious activity going around. 
  • Staying updated: Customers need a well-functional business website having all the modern features and a fast loading speed. Keeping your site under maintenance helps you stay updated as per the changing trend and meet varied requirements easily. 
  • Having a peace of mind: You need to have a peace of mind while running the business online. Thus, your greatest business asset is the website that needs to be maintained 24/7. In this relation, professional web developers make sure to keep a close watch over functioning of your website. They also remove all the errors well on time. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Artificial Intelligence in healthcare & current trends

The medical & healthcare industry is deeply impacted by technology. The services have improved a lot using different machines, equipment, and tools to provide improved healthcare support to all.

The problem arises when any health pandemic arrives, making it difficult for healthcare professionals to take better care of patients. Taking medical information of a multitude of patients and referring to reach one is a cumbersome process. Something is required to filter out the data in no time and offer effective treatment to patients.
In such a scenario, Artificial Intelligence does a tremendous job of improving healthcare facilities and give proper diagnosis to patients.

According to the Emerj, AI trend will be increasingly important in coming years. The ability to recognize behavioral patterns in patients, customers, or users of any kind is used as a solution for various business problems across industries. 

The growing impact of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector 
The data-driven technology of Artificial Intelligence is helping medical experts and practitioners to make better informed decisions.

AI is used to provide medical facilities including seeing a patient, suggesting the medicines, sending medicine offers, and remote diagnostics.

No matter, if you are healthcare professional or having a pharmaceutical business, Artificial Intelligence can improve operations in following manner:
  • Analyzing patients' medical history: Doctors and clinicians often face challenges analyzing the medical history of so many patients at a time. It is necessary to understand the nature of the present illness and past record. In order to bring flexibility, AI technology helps to analyze and filter out the relevant data and provide you instant information to treat patients. It saves time for healthcare experts to help patients on a timely basis and prevent the spread of diseases. 
  • Providing fast response to healthcare queries: With the emergence of medical apps, people are always concerned about their asking queries from registered doctors. This is done to improve the way of life and availing medical facility of reliable experts. In this case, make the best use of AI to deliver automated, yet correct responses to people in a matter of short time. This technology feature helps to increase your credibility among people and offer improved services.
  • Sending updates on medicines availability: Pharmaceutical owners often face acute shortage of certain medicines, making it impossible to meet customer's demands on time. In such a scenario, Artificial Intelligence in your inventory management system allows you to store customers' information and prior demands. This helps you meet their requirements by maintaining proper stock and send automatic responses to customers for availability of medicines. It allows you to increase sales of medicines and treating customers with care and support.

The future of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector is definitely on the bright side. Medical experts have the opportunity to improve their services and enhance the lives of people around. Simply avail of this technical support for your healthcare business by relying on SynapseIndia.

Contact us for any query at info@synapseindia.com

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Why Travel Industry need to work on New Technologies?

Gone are the days when travel agencies and tour operators used to offer a similar travel experience to all customers. Technologies are evolving faster and so the needs of the tourists. Every customer has unique requirements and preferences. From airline ticket booking to exploring destinations, travelers want to experience something different throughout their trip.

It has become vital for travel agencies and tour operators to adopt new technologies for delivering a better experience to target customers. Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality have emerged as game-changing technologies for travel businesses.

Big Data for Understanding Customer Requirements

A travel company can generate more leads and revenue by identifying exact requirements of customers. Big Data is an emerging technology that allows the systematic extraction of information from a large set of data. It helps travel businesses to perfectly understand the specific needs of customers, anticipate future demands, and improve the customer experience.

Creating the right marketing strategy is imperative for tourism businesses. The strategy should be able to target diverse customers and drive maximum results. Big Data enables businesses to follow a strategic approach and target the right customers in the right way. More and more travel companies are investing in this technology to gain a competitive advantage in the market.

How Artificial Intelligence is Helping the Travel Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another technology that has completely transformed the travel industry. AI refers to automation of tasks by creating systems that think, react and work like humans. Today, tourism companies are using website chatbots, virtual voice assistants and robots to personalize the entire customer experience. Chatbots simultaneously solve the unlimited queries of customers around the clock with accuracy.

Using AI, businesses can create tailored recommendations based on the preferences of customers. The utility of AI is not limited to trip planning and hotel booking, it is also used in monitoring ratings and comments posted by customers on websites. AI can be implemented into tour & travel websites helping businesses to address the concerns of customers.

Augmented Reality (AR) Mobile Apps for Virtual Tours

Augmented Reality (AR) technology has shaped the way businesses offer a personalized travel experience to various customers. Customized virtual tours are used for creating an emotional connection between the tourists and destinations. Travel agencies can give a 3D travel experience of the entire trip to prospective customers through AR mobile apps. AR technology thus helps businesses to enrich travel experience and entice customers them to buy tour and hotel packages.

Travel Websites Should Offer Personalized Information

Making your travel website rich with an attractive design and relevant content is the first step towards creating the personalized travel experience for the customers. Multilingual websites are quite helpful in targeting diverse customers. Responsive travel websites load faster on all devices and allow users to quickly browse all features.

Most of the customers want to see complete information related to their requirements. A travel website must act as a single-stop for accessing all information required by customers. There should be advanced features/filters in the website allowing the customers to search for everything according to their preferences.

SynapseIndia, an IT company, specializes in a complete range of travel IT services including travel portal development, travel website design, travel software development, etc. Since 2000, we have been fulfilling the diverse IT requirements of travel agencies, tour operators, large-sized travel companies and other organizations. We have a big team of experienced developers who adhere to the international quality standards and complete projects on time.

Achieve the goals of your travel business with SynapseIndia I.T. Outsourcing @ Peace of  Mind. Get in touch with our experts today.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

SynapseIndia has clients from 50+ nations like USA, UK, etc. Each client is served by experienced IT experts

SynapseIndia has clients from 50+ nations like USA, UK, etc. and each of them receives software solutions from experienced IT experts. As a leading IT partner, we offer IT services in various advanced technologies like WordPress, Joomla, iOS, etc. By serving global clients in the past two decades, our ability to address the client's demands and understanding the international work environment has grown.

Why hire certified developers from us?

  • Certified IT experts follow the international coding standards along with the 6 stages of the software development life cycle.
  • They provide development by using the latest frameworks of various leading technologies.
  • They are highly responsive and work with true dedication to ensure that there are no delays in the delivery of the client's project.
  • They know how to render customized software solutions to the clients. Hence, even the smallest requirements related to your business get fulfilled.

To know more about our IT solutions and service, get in touch with us now.

Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/synapseindia
Visit Website: https://www.synapseindia.com/

The healthy work environment of SynapseIndia helps in bug-free development of your IT project

The healthy work environment of SynapseIndia has always favored the client's business by adding bug-free products to it. At SynapseIndia, there is a good emphasis on a stress-free environment for the developers. This has been the primary reason, since 2000, that benefits all our clients. Check other such aspects of our work environment which always lead to the growth of your business -

  • A team that stays in a healthy environment works with dedication to build quality website and app.
  • Our team focuses more on regular communication so that none of your requirements go unaddressed.
  • Our developers are quite flexible, hence, they always complete the work on time so that you don't have to worry regarding any delays.
  • Furthermore, due to this environment, there are zero chances that any product delivered by us will have any bug or error in it.
  • Last but not the least aspect of healthy work environment at SynapseIndia is that all your website/app designs are created by stress-free minds. Thus, ensuring a smooth user experience for your visitors.

Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/synapseindia
Visit Website: https://www.synapseindia.com/quality-approach.html

SynapseIndia, an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, driving innovation into your business since 2000

SynapseIndia, an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, is known globally to drive innovation into the client's business. Our developers follow the quality management system and practice the best IT industry methods to ensure cost-optimized development of your IT project. Be it a small business or a large enterprise, all our clients acquire major benefits -

  • Our team renders quality product by following the international coding standards which help your business with more satisfied customers.
  • All your demands are addressed and implemented in the project. Also, the ISO standards are followed to make sure your product is efficient and completely operational.
  • We take decisions on the basis of evidence to deliver a solid website or app. Our developers never follow the "hit and trial" method to take the right decision regarding the quality development of your project.
  • Our development team works on the "continual improvement culture" as it helps in enhancing your business process and organizational output.

Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/synapseindia
Visit Website: https://www.synapseindia.com/partners.html

Power up your business in the media & entertainment sector with IT solutions from SynapseIndia

Business owners in the media & entertainment sector are provided with innovation-driven IT solutions from SynapseIndia. Our IT professionals make use of future-proof technology and deliver the most phenomenal software solutions. Our website and application development services help in keeping your business stay ahead of your rivals.

Utilizing their years of experience of providing custom-made IT solutions, our developers give your business the much needed commercial success. Our varied IT services in this domain include the following -

  • CRM Solutions
  • ERP Solutions
  • Salesforce integration

Considering our track record in this domain, we have the potential to bring the right change in your business. Our understating regarding the latest industry trends works as a boon to all our global clients. Apart from developing new websites and applications, our team also serves clients who need maintenance and enhancement services.

Get in touch with us to discuss your new idea now.

Watch Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05wEjmNjaJk
Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/synapseindia

Friday, April 12, 2019

Clients of SynapseIndia from 50+ different nations like UK, Australia, etc., are empowered with innovative IT services

Clients of SynapseIndia from 50+ different nations like UK, Australia, etc., always get success easily in their business. The knowledge and skills of our programmers collectively lead to the development of quality apps and websites. The whole idea behind delivering a quality product is to empower the business of our client. Hers' how we do that -

  • We have a strict policy to work as per the 6 stages of the SDLC process.
  • We even work by matching international coding and work standards.
  • Our development team comprises of programmers who have great soft skills. Therefore, communicating with them is super easy.
  • Furthermore, testing is conducted during the development as well as before delivering the product finally. Each test is conducted under rigorous environment to ensure the delivery of a bug-free product.
  • At regular intervals, our development team provides progress reports to clients and maintaining high transparency.

Follow us: https://www.pinterest.com/synapseindia/
Visit Website: https://www.synapseindia.com/

Highly experienced professionals of SynapseIndia work to uplift your business operations

Highly experienced professionals of SynapseIndia provide all the clients from different parts of the world with customized IT development solutions. Addressing each project requirement of the client's project, our IT experts work to uplift their business operations.

Experience derived from serving thousands of clients

With good knowledge of various technologies, our development team has fulfilled the most complex needs of clients related to their project. This has increased the experience of our developers.

How does this experience help?

Such a versatile experience has enhanced the ability of our programmers to suggest creative/innovative ideas to all the clients. Hence, with every new project, our development/designing team provides/suggest clients with plans that eventually lead to the development of quality apps/websites.

Contact us now to hire IT experts from us and avail the benefits of work rendered by highly experienced professionals. What's more? All our coders can be hired through an easy hiring process.

Follow us: https://www.pinterest.com/synapseindia/