Monday, March 18, 2019

Know how regular communication by SynapseIndia benefits your business

Know how regular communication by SynapseIndia benefits your business

Regular communication is the key factor for every business to taste success. SynapseIndia understands how crucial it is to maintain this factor, therefore, employs a proper communication strategy for the same. Know more about this strategy here -

Daily meetings
Regular meetings are held between all project stakeholders to ensure proper understanding of the requirement. This is an important factor that makes the completion of the project possible within the timeline.

Periodic updates

By keeping the client in the loop via regular project updates, we make sure that the business owner gets a clear picture of the progress made. This boosts the transparency factor.

Customer advocates

Assigned to each client, customer advocates play a significant role in addressing their requirements/queries. Furthermore, they fill the communication gap between the client and the developers.

Communication channels (Skype, phone, email, etc.)

Using various channels of communication such as Skype, phone, email, etc., we service clients as per their preference & convenience.

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