Monday, April 8, 2019

Testing before delivery is an assurance of bug-free website/app from SynapseIndia

The development team of SynapseIndia understands the importance of doing testing before delivery. The testing is always carried out under a rigorous environment which make sure that the developed website or app is bug-free. From checking the web/app security to the functioning of the websites/applications, multiple issues are handled carefully by our testers.

To ensure that your website or application is fit to go live, we carry out the following tests -

Functionality testing:

This testing requires checking if the product developed by us carries all the specifications as intended and whether all the requirements are fulfilled or not.

Usability testing:

This testing includes site navigation test and content test. It helps in checking if the menus, links to different pages on your site are working properly or not.

Interface testing:

In this testing, three areas are tested - application, web and database server.

Database testing:

The database, a critical component of your website/application, is tested thoroughly by our testers.

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